Moving TO Sugar Hill, Georgia

Our GUIDE and resources for moving to SUGAR Hill, Georgia

Here are some helpful tools when considering moving to Sugar Hill, Georgia. Sugar Hill, Georgia is located in Gwinnett County, there are 2 zip codes in Sugar Hill, 30024, 30518. According to the 2019 Census there are approximately 24,617 residents almost 50/50 men vs women. The average temperature in July is 78.2 and in January is 41.9. The average residential home sales price in July 2021 was $404,945, Average days on market were 7 and average size was 2600 sq ft. There are several different utility services in Sugar Hill, GA.

Relocating can be hard. Let us help you. Please send us your contact information so we can discuss your needs.



Click to visit Georgia DDS

Voter Registration

Update your voter registration here...

Car and Auto Registration

Beware* You will need an emissions test

Gun Laws

Explore Buford Georgia Gun laws

Vaccination Laws

State Laws and Covid Exemptions

Businesses IN SUGAR HILL

List of Sugar Hill Georgia Businesses

SUgar hill CHaracter area map

Sugar Hill, GA future land use Character Area Map

Ready to move?

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