Georgia septic Buyer beware

While there are many jokes about septic, if you are buying a home in Georgia chances are pretty high you may be on a septic tank. Per Gwinnett County website, Gwinnett County has one of the greatest concentrations of septic systems in the United States. Traditionally homes on acreage have septic systems because they are self contained. However, I have seen them in housing tracts, here in Georgia, so beware!


Unfortunately, septic can be easily overlooked because it’s out of site and out of mind. However, if you have a problem with your septic it can be both costly and messy! So here is some helpful information to help your start your process with septic. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS get it pumped and inspected. If you are a homeowner with septic, keep records and receipts!!!! **** yelling from the rooftops****

How do you know if your septic isn’t working?

Having your septic tank back up can be an outright disaster! You can have waste bubbling back up through your systems. You can have sludge coming into your yard. Most of the time, if there’s something wrong with it the matter is urgent and will require immediate attention. It’s not something that just goes away if ignored. Maintenance is the key.

What kind of tanks are in georgia

Historically, cement tanks were used so more than likely if your home is older you have a cement tank. However, with cement shortages the cost of those tanks has tripled so most people are you using plastic tanks. OR Infiltrator plastic tanks to be more specific.

Infiltrator system Georgia Septic

The tank is brought in with a tractor and the whole is dug out to be level. So you need to have room for it!

Close up! This is 1000 gallon tank. Different sizes are for different size houses. Also in order to have a garbage disposal you are have to have a 1500 gallon tank! Which was going to be an additional $4,000.

Georgia Septic tank
Georgia septic tank in ground

It is buried underground and ideally the lids should stay slightly exposed for access

This is 3 lines. This property is almost 2 acres and it takes up a big chunk of the land in the backyard. Navigating the trees was challenging. But you can see how much the roots play a part in laying the lines.

Georgia septic tank
How much does it cost?

This particular system with tank and leach lines was $11,000. All-in-one septic decommissioned the old tank. Which means they emptied it and broke down sides and filled in the dirt. So it’s the cost of the leach lines and the tank. You need permits which vary by county and you must have a soil test to see where the land “perks” or can take the leach lines to filter the sludge. Soil tests can be $400-$2000.

buyer beware

While talking with James he explained to me a situation where a buyer bought a cheap piece of land. It was the last piece of land in that subdivision (red flag.) He got a great deal on it. Well it was in a flood plain or dry creek bed and the county would not permit a septic tank. There were a lot of hoops to jump through but after 6 long months of rezoning and permitting James got it done for this gentleman. Do your due diligence BEFORE you buy anything. Codes and septic are not always a given. Not everywhere can support a tank and the lines.

how to own a home with septic

Do not build on your septic tank. No decks, no hardscapes, no driveways, no patios the county may fine you until it is moved!!! Get it serviced and keep records!!! Adding additional rooms etc. will add strain to your existing system. For more information watch PART 2 of Georgia Septic.


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