How to care for your Georgia septic tank and what to look out for?

Be sure to watch part 1 of septic, it is no joking matter!

Gwinnett county has the highest concentration of septic tanks in the United States! Cherokee county is 83% septic. So if you are buying a home in Georgia be sure you know if you have septic, get it inspected and learn how to care for it! If you run into a problem with septic it can be a complete urgent mess!!!

3 Questions every home seller should know the answer to:
  1. When was it last pumped?
  2. Where is it located? GIS data browser for Gwinnett County
  3. How to maintain it?
Interview with Septic expert James All -in-one septic

Septic can be easily overlooked because it’s out of site and out of mind. However, if you have a problem with your septic it can be both costly and messy! So here is some helpful information to help your start your process with septic. And ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS get it pumped and inspected. If you are a homeowner with septic, keep records and receipts!!!! **** yelling from the rooftops****

What you need to know q&A:

There are 7 different types of septic systems. The most popular and commonly used right now in Georgia is an infiltrator panels, the most efficient and budget friendly.

How often should you pump your septic system?

County code recommends every 3-5 years.

How often do you have to change a septic system?

18-25 years depending on the soil and maintenance

How does it work and what are the pieces to watch out for?

There are 2 parts. The tank and the leach lines. The tank holds the solids and allows the effluent water to escape into the drain field and the effluent water percolates into the soil. The soil removes the bacteria from the water.

Is septic better than sewer?

In James’ opinion, septic is better. There are problems with sewer where the county connects and it can be very expensive to repair.

Are tree roots a problem for septic and how to maintain it?

There are chemical treatments that will actually dissolve the roots but not kill the tree. Which you can treat when you pump every 3-5 years.

What are 3 things you would advise a buyer who is not familiar with septic
  1. Get it inspected
  2. Landscaping and know the location of your septic
  3. Don’t build on top of your septic
What’s one thing you should not put in your septic tank?

Grease. Not just cooking grease, but shampoos, conditioners, underarm deodorant and smell good lotions also have a lot of grease and oil in it.

Are there certain tanks for certain needs?

In order to have a garbage disposal you need a 1500 gallon tank per county code. As you add bedrooms and bathrooms you will need a tank that handles that load. 3 bedroom or smaller is 1000 gallon tank.

do not build on your septic, no patios, no hardscapes, don’t drive on it!

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