Homes for sale in Buford, Georgia. November 2020.

Living in Buford, Jennifer K. Lewis, explores the Housing prices in Buford, GA for the month of November 2020. While exploring the average home sales prices, she also covers distressed properties, foreclosures and short sales in both Gwinnett and Forsyth counties. Someone got an amazing deal in the Buford School District which may have affected the decrease in average home sales prices for the month of November. For more market information please contact Jennifer Lewis, Buford area Realtor (407)326-7077 at

The Numbers

Living in Buford, the average home sales price in October 2020 for Buford was $374,132 and in November is $350,689. In Buford City Schools October is $418,151 and November of 2020 is $368,272. Traditionally the end of the year are slower months so it’s no surprise that prices came down a bit. However, it does also still stand the that living in Buford City Schools costs around $50K more than living in traditional City limits. Average days on market for November 2020 are 32 in City of Buford and 42 in Buford City Schools. Homes are still moving during the slower times of year.

Distressed property-foreclosures, short sales, and HUD homes in Gwinnett and Forsyth County

The number of foreclosed homes in Gwinnett & Forsyth Counties has remained the same from October 2020 to November 2020. There are 2 HUD owned homes. HUD owned homes are homes foreclosed on by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They offer special purchasing terms for the homes being offered. They also do pre-inspections etc. and are ready to review on the website.

If you are living in Buford and you are considering selling your Buford home, it’s still a great time to sell. You must prepare your home properly. Be sure to get “10 Pro Tips to selling your home for more money!” The market is crazy but it’s helpful to have a checklist in order to stay focused. It’s also important not to over improve your home. You don’t want to create a mansion in a mobile home park type environment. There are some more affordable things that can be done to improve your value.

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